Sarah Dockter
*click on the image to play the film*
Obsessed (2023) / Class: Senior Project
Human Canvas (2021) / Class: Documentary Filmmaking
Camp Manitou - Session D (2024) / Videographer & Editor
Camp Manitou - Teen Week 3 (2024) / Videographer & Editor
Purple Door (2022) / Class: Documentary Filmmaking
a day in quarantine (2020) / Class: Concept Development for Film Practice
Postcard from the Great River Road: Buffalo & Trempealeau County / Editor
The Fort (2023) dir. Peyton Lange / 1st AD, Assistant Editor, DP, & Credits
Milwaukee Underground Film Festival Trailer (2022) / Editor & Videographer
spring (2021) / Editor, Co-Director, & Actor / Class: Zen and the Art of Filmmaking
a feast (2021) / Editor, Sound Design, Co-Director, & Actor / Class: Zen and the Art of Filmmaking
Happy Happy Hour - Science Show (2021) / Editor / Class: Humor and Filmmaking
Landscape of Memory (2022) / Class: Landscape Cinema
Cat Nap (2022) / Visual FX Editor & Some Artwork / Class: Visual Effects
zoe's makeup (2020) / Format: 16mm Film / Class: Foundation
16mm Lighting Assignment (2020) / Format: 16mm Film / Class: Foundation